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Anti-Bacterial Deep Cleaning Solution

Did you know that your car has 30,000 times more mould and bacteria than the average toilet seat?


These germs cause illness and allergies most people would not have linked to their car’s air conditioning system.


Bacteria is commonly found on high contact areas such as the steering wheel, gear knob, handbrakes, handles and switches. Cars carrying children or pets breed the most ill threatening germs.


Sick car syndrome is a very real cause of illness.


Scientists believe the syndrome is caused by a build-up of bacteria in the deepest recesses of a vehicle’s air conditioning system. The Automobile Association in the UK say this may be the cause of ‘sick vehicle syndrome’. The AA’s Head of Technical Policy, John Stubbs said, ‘an initial study identified
micro-organisms on insulation material and evaporators inside the vehicle’s air con system as the prime suspect’. The AA warns drivers of a potential health threat.


This is even more relevant in today’s COVID-19 pandemic. Drive safe.

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